Sekiryo had reluctantly agreed. When Hiroshi Yamauchi took control of case study solution company, he renamed it Nintendo Playing Card Co. and Marufuku Company Ltd. to Nintendo Karuta Company, Ltd. , and moved his business to a new vicinity in 1952. Hiroshi met with Walt Disney Productions in 1959 to strike a deal that allowed Nintendo to position Disney’s properties on their cards. htmlLets start with a short history on case study answer EIB. The European Investment Bank EIB is case study solution credit establishment specifically catering to case study answer monetary needs of case study answer European Union. It was based in 1958, during case study answer time when case study solution European Economic Committee EEC, with only six member states, was based and case study answer Treaty of Rome was passed. The EEC later formed into what we know today as case study solution European Union EU, which, in case study answer latest, consists of 27 member states. The EIB was in the beginning formed for case study solution purpose of assembly case study answer financial needs of case study solution EU and its policies. Financing bound projects that might benefit case study solution member nations was also part of its duty, in addition to lessening/removing import price lists between EU members.