Strategic partnerships have also case study answer clients have often been left at dead ends in case study solution company’s product method with only costly alternate options left for getting into a next technology product Jonash, Koehler, Onassis, 2007. Suppliers have often been given insufficient counsel on new items, and if they are given new product designs, held to very stringent principles as to how they’re used Apple Investor elations, 2011. Apple admits in its financial statements and filings with case study solution SEC that their practices in regards to new product development and supply chain integration with Foxconn in China were exceptionally tight, yet they content it’s to hold confidentiality of advancement practices Apple Investor elations, 2011. Foxconn has seen Apple iPhone prototypes stolen or lost with potential damage to case study answer product management of case study solution agency consequently Balfour, Culpan, 2010. Foxconn staff who were guilty for iPhone prototypes that have been stolen or lost were known Apple is vey inteested in case study solution promoting pocess. As a outcome, Apple has made large investments in pogams designed to impove eselle sales.