Google Toolbar for Firefox Add a search box to your browserGoogle Toolbar for Enterprise adds valuable productivity facets including easy access to Google, custom designed search buttons, immediate search suggestions, and a pop up blocker. Google Browser Buttons add to a personal toolbar providing you with access to Google search era without taking on extra screen space. Third party Google Search ToolsSearch Google with Firefox ExtensionsCustomizeGoogle enhances Google search consequences by adding extra guidance like links to Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, MSN etc and casting off undesirable counsel like ads and spam. Googlebar Lite A light weight Google search toolbar for Firefox. GoogleTabs Adds a context menu option to open Google search ends up in tabs. Advanced Dork Highlight a word or phrase, right click, and judge from over 15 Advanced Google Operators, A google search page is opened in either case study solution same tab or a new tab, case study answer effects contained in case study solution search will comprise case study solution highlighted text inside case study answer chosen Operator.